This week on Chris's Corner I speak about the best way to execute a bulk while keeping your abs. This video is mainly made for intermediate lifters/runners/exercise executers but, I still think there is a lot to learn for those who are beginners and advanced. I also have a lot to learn to so this bulking process has been truly enlightening for myself and I hope you can get something from it! From incrementally adding calories to your diet, to continuing cardio, practising hypertrophy and strength, this video has it all when learning about bulking. You don't have to get fat when you go on a bulk and you don't need to go above 15% body fat to improve your lifts either. The bulk can also be a good way for a lot of lifters to go from a lean cut to a good body percentage in order to enable optimum anabolism and increased protein synthesis as well as muscle tension. At the end of the day I am merely speaking about bulking from experience as well as all the research I've done over the years. As always I hope you enjoy this week's podcast and I'll see you this time next week!