This week on Chris's Corner I comment on the grandfather of animation Studio Ghibli! Studio Ghibli is the studio that put together such classics as Nausicaa's Valley of the Wind, Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away, and The Wind Rises. I go through each of Studio Ghibli's films and analyse some of the messages that Hayao Miyazaki help put forward through film. Whether that be the pure soundtracks to the use of nature as a character or a background phenomenon, Studio Ghibli's ability to produce films for all ages with a beautiful underlying message of peace and kindness can not be replicated in todays society. They are the foundation of the animation industry and all future directors and films within this genre will be compared to these masterpieces. If I leave you with anything from this podcast, it is to go and watch or re-watch any of the films created by Studio Ghibli. As always I hope you enjoyed this week's episode and I'll see you this time next week!