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We’ve all probably had a lot of family time these past several months but there is something about packing up the car and doing a road trip. It’s the anticipation of going somewhere new. The frustration with kids. The multiple bathroom breaks. The joy of being together and sharing an experience as a family.

I’m thankful our family was able to travel a little this week as we headed west to Fort Collins, CO. We fell in love. So many parks and 15 minutes and you were in the foothills/mountains.

Do you remember as a kid bugging your parents on any type of road trip how much longer until we get there? As we drove out Brock (our 2nd oldest who is 5) was that kid. He finally gave up asking on our way out there and continued to say, “Why did I say yes to this?!”

During our drive, Jess and I reminisced about our family vacations and what we both remembered. So I was reminded of a trip our family took when I was 9-10 years old to California.

We stopped in Las Vegas at the Pyramid. We walked through and my dad accidentally let me in the gambling area with him as we walked through and they politely asked us to leave because kids weren’t allowed in that area. Of the whole trip was amazing but that’s the memory that sticks out the most. It’s probably because I’m a rule follower. :)

This last week was great. I feel refreshed and joyful.

Reply on Facebook or Twitter (@taylorsiebert) and share your favorite family vacation memory!

Have a great week everyone!

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