Foreshadowing in Art

The post Sacred to Psychic Podcast 3: ‘God’s Outdoors’ appeared first on Taylor Marsh.

Almost all of our sources on love and sex in the ancient world have one thing in common: they were produced by men, and for men. Recovering women’s perspectives is exceedingly difficult, and an ongoing challenge for scholars. – Classical Depravity

THERE is a thin line between the sacred and obscene.

The thrillers I write tread along these lines, because the heroine has psychic gifts which come through her inner voice. But the people Dr. Kate Winter hunts are diabolical murderers with no respect for life.

The journey to writing these stories began ages ago, although I didn’t realize it at the time.

Running parallel to my art has been a quest for answers.

It’s taken 2,000 years, but it’s time for a reeducation.

Women have been elected heads of national governments on six continents. They have flown into space, served in elite combat units and won every category of Nobel Prize. The global #MeToo movement, in 15 months, has toppled a multitude of powerful men linked to sexual misconduct.

Yet in most of the world’s major religions, women remain relegated to a second-tier status.

Women in several faiths are still barred from ordination. Some are banned from praying alongside men and forbidden from stepping foot in some houses of worship altogether. Their attire, from headwear down to the length of their skirts in church, is often restricted.

Religion News


Photo by Chad Greiter on Unsplash

The post Sacred to Psychic Podcast 3: ‘God’s Outdoors’ appeared first on Taylor Marsh.