Instincts don't push.

The post Podcast: #Girlboss, Women, A Mystical Reading appeared first on Taylor Marsh.

Like Sheryl Sandberg’s self-help hit Lean In before it, #Girlboss argued that the professional success of ambitious young women was a two-birds-one-stone type of activism: Their pursuit of power could be rebranded as a righteous quest for equality, and the success of female executives and entrepreneurs would lift up the women below them. – The Girlboss Has Left the Building

THE PHENOMENON of “Lean In” went global before it peaked, then puttered out. When “#Girlboss” hit, Sophia Amoruso became more than the it girl of “corporate female empowerment.”

With Sheryl Sandberg’s failure to lead at Facebook, while Mark Zuckerberg put American values up for auction, her “lean in” mantra today seems like a rancid notion from an elitist techie who could have put country over profit, but instead stayed silent for her own gain.

When Ms. Amoruso left #Girlboss, she said COVID-19 had finished them financially.

This week Ivanka Trump did a creepy video about the American worker. There is only one problem. Another line from Amanda Mull in The Atlantic

That same basis in self-interest, however, makes girlbosses particularly unsuited to a moment that has stopped prioritizing their personal achievement—and is instead focused on the national reckoning over racial injustice.

It’s not enough to do a man’s job well.

Women have a tool set beyond what most men offer.

Creativity is live action problem solving, with a twist, when you put your instincts first.

A reading from a mystical section of May Be Fatal opens a pathway.

Fire photo: Max Saeling, Unsplash

The post Podcast: #Girlboss, Women, A Mystical Reading appeared first on Taylor Marsh.