Hey, it's Michael Rozbruch, cofounder of Roz Strategies and creator of the Tax Resolution Domination System and Toolkit. And what's the first thing you need to do after being retained by a new tax resolution client? How do you provide immediate relief to that client? Number one is to make sure you are paid first. Either get 100% of the fee paid upfront or get a 30% to 50% deposit on the entire case or at the very, very least, make sure you get a check or a credit card for fifteen hundred dollars for the IRS transcript, investigation, and analysis. The second thing you need to do is to fax your POA to the IRS's CAF unit. That's the central authorization file unit or upload your newly e-signature POA to the IRS portal. The third thing you need to do is to call PPS. Call the practitioner priority service, get and fax your POA to them as well. Get some verbal information on your client's account and then call ACS, the automated collection system for two reasons. Number one is, if applicable, get a 60 to 90-day collection hold on your client's account, thereby the IRS not doing any enforce collection like levying a bank account or garnishing their paycheck. And also, if applicable, request first-time penalty abatement as well. Doing those four things provides immediate relief to a new tax resolution client after they've paid you. How to Get Involved Michael Rozbruch, CPA and Certified Tax Resolution Specialist, a pioneer in the tax resolution industry, has a proven “in-the-trenches” track record as evidenced by accumulating 168 months over month consecutive revenue growth culminating in $23 million in revenue in just one year alone. 5 Surefire Steps for Attracting & Retaining A Continuous Flow Of Pay In Advance IRS Tax Problem Clients Every Month. SAVE YOUR SPOT NOW! https://www.rozstrategies.com/live-training/