Client Expectations vs. Reality

The challenge in working with clients, especially with tax resolution cases, often lies in the transparency of their expectations versus reality. Thus, you must know what the goals are early on. Especially for clients who are overbearing and somewhat on the helpless side, it can prove a formidable partnership riddled with issues from the beginning of the story. Getting these problems under early control is vital to ensure long and successful business relations. 

Furthermore, in this episode of Roz Strategies, I will impart some of the strategies you should do to be transparent with your clients. 

Key takeaways covered in the episode: 


Remember to take your clients through a mini 433-A during your initial consultations before you get retained.  Be cautious not to promise any outcomes or guarantee any results. You can only ensure and promise within your control. Always be consistent and continuously be in contact communication with your tax resolution clients. Communication is an excellent opportunity to manage the client's expectations. Learn how to implement a “14-Touchpoint” client assurance system. 

How to Get Involved

Michael Rozbruch, CPA and Certified Tax Resolution Specialist, a pioneer in the tax resolution industry, has a proven “in-the-trenches” track record as evidenced by accumulating 168 months over month consecutive revenue growth culminating in $23 million in revenue in just one year alone. 5 Surefire Steps for Attracting & Retaining A Continuous Flow Of Pay In Advance IRS Tax Problem Clients Every Month. SAVE YOUR SPOT NOW!