Dr. Lou was interviewed on Veronika's Voice from Veronika Archer International.
The topic: 5 Days to FULL Healing 

Veronika and Dr. Lou dive into healing the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual aspects of ourselves.
Powerful! Enjoy this show

5 Days to FULL Healing [Veronika's Voice]

If you listened to my Phoenix Burning mini-series, you know that the end of last year and beginning of this year were ROUGH for me.

Several significant (and traumatic) events occurred in my family between September and December.

By the end of December, I had developed acute physical symptoms including fatigue, pain, and peripheral neuropathy to the point I was only functional 3 to 4 hours a day.

I had experienced and recovered from chronic illness in the past and I was determined to resolve this!

You may know, I committed to 6 months focused on healing and recovery.

I also prioritized working with a healing practitioner and, as synchronicities happen, the perfect practitioner crossed my path.

I worked with this practitioner in an intense, one-on-one setting for 5 consecutive days at the end of January.

And at the end of those 5 days, I was almost fully recovered! 

In fact, a few weeks after returning, I started practicing martial arts 3 to 4 times a week even though I hadn’t worked out for about 5 years prior.

People have asked me how on earth that was possible?

The answer – working with Dr. Lou Corleto.

I am SO excited to share this episode of Veronika’s Voice where Dr. Lou reveals his 3-part process that resulted in such amazing results for me.

Dr. Lou Corleto is an internationally recognized speaker, teacher, retreat facilitator, and healer. 

He has been studying the human “bodies,” consciousness, and healing principles for 30+ years. He personally has served tens of thousands of people on all seven continents and in over 50 countries.
Dr. Lou is famous for the safe and sacred space he holds while delivering elite-level training on healing principles, psychology, physiology, neurology, and conscious living that is practical, spiritually sound, science-based, heart-centered, and astoundingly effective.

You may guess that Dr. Lou is in high demand and requires a significant investment for private work (worth every penny!)

Dr. Lou’s healing process is founded in 3 Key Principles.

For the first time, Dr. Lou has created an online program sharing one of his 3 principles to make this healing accessible to more people.  

This process is incredibly effective for emotional, physical, or spiritual healing and is something I incorporate daily!

This program is incredibly affordable, check it out here.

Enjoy this conversation with my mentor Dr. Lou! 

To your wellness, 
Veronika Archer International https://www.youtube.com/@VeronikaArcherInt/podcasts 

P.S. – , My mentor and healing practitioner Dr. Lou Corleto is offering his new online course at an incredible investment

This course shares one of his three pillars that supported me in attaining full health.
Don’t miss out! check it out now!
Click this link