In this episode I’m joined again by Vin Armani for a sort of time-capsule of contemplative discourse on open source spirituality and the tantra of crypto.

About Vin:
Vin Armani is a philosopher, serial tech entrepreneur, and CryptoSavage. He is the host of The Vin Armani Show on Activist Post. In addition to being an author and speaker, he has made his living as a television star, film producer, high-end male escort, software developer, art gallerist, pirate radio station operator, DJ, music producer, and motorcycle courier. He studied Philosophy at Howard University.

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We discuss:

the fundamental value and use case of Bitcoin
why volatility and speculation are natural and inherent features of the digital currency game theory
how the best and worst archetypes of heroes and villains and the fine line between them get revealed in the unfolding of the dynamics of crypto markets, scammers, hustlers, etc.
the greening of bitcoin mining operations
the localized crypto-economics of New Hampshire
efficiency and innovation in the evolution of technology
unimaginable innovations on the horizon in the developing world
glory and fate of malicious and poorly thought out initial coin offering projects
insights from successes in the entertainment industry
the energy that drives tech innovations, that drove Satoshi
bitcoin as an emergent property of a deeper energy
how people get shaken out by bubbles and crashes
thinking of losses as an admission fee to get on the ride
mapping the shifting financial times on to the cycles of change in Vedic cosmology
Alex Winter’s documentary on blockchain: The Trust Machine
How we’re lucky to have won first wave of Crypto Wars
Darth Vader as the ego taking full possession and the dialectics of good and evil
holding on to fantasy narratives while crypto is an imaginary good
watching a play on stage, studying the archetypes
not everybody knows there’s in a play, but are drawn to be a character in it
staying awake, self examination, and choosing which character to take on
Why you have to have an Allan Watts’ concept of the “necessary villain” to have an epic narrative
Craig Wright as Darth Vader, a one in a million character
Anyone can be involved in this global technological hero’s journey
Not succumbing to the seduction of hatred
The macho posturing within bitcoin forks
Why Roger Ver deserves appreciation
The folly of fighting over the name of the real bitcoin
Surrendering to the feminine evolving nature of bitcoin
Osho’s thoughts on letting go of the pressure to be consistent with your past thoughts, opinions, and conclusions
Star Wars as a modern tantric scripture
Ancient tantra as an open source spiritual technology movement resisting closed-source patriarchy priest craft orthodoxy
bitcoin as the immaculate inception
the perils of bitcoin maximalism
the business development ethics of
the SEC and the nanny state vs financial sovereignty
intelligent investment 101
lottery and casinos as legal unsophisticated investment schemes
the merits of crypto crowd source funding via ICOs in micro loans in developing nations
how few ICO projects were serious about building projects
due diligence and educated investing happening through market forces without the influence of the state
how k-12 financial education would put the whole government out of business
fear is the path to the dark side
The ERC20 Ethereum token protocol and it’s founders reflections and projections for a better version
Craig Wright becoming the toadie of the bully state with threats of litigation
How healthier bitcoin forks should take on their own branding and avoid fundamentalism
technological darwinism and the need to audit the code that rules your life
cultural advantages that ripple through generations, communities