Previous Episode: Failure is a mindset

Taking steps to change.

I always thought I knew myself until I realized I didn’t.

Everyone wants the results of growth and success, etc…until the pain or pressure is applied….

However sometimes the challenge comes from what we do not know, what we haven’t experienced, what we haven’t been exposed too.

I decided to create possibilities where I saw none. 

I decided to find a way, to achieve my goals without a previous blueprint.

I considered and engaged with people outside of my normal Environment ( family, friends, associates, church affiliates). 

Expanding my mind, introducing new language or words, which creates new thoughts and a new perspective.

I engage in conversations that I normally would not had found interesting due to my lack of information or knowledge.

I learned that unknown and unfamiliar topics, people,
Places and things are only so until I chose to embrace or experience those things.

Therefore fear of the unknown is really fear of action.

My desire and intentions to live a healthy life, led me to conversations, to literature, to people and resources, that had I not had the desire and Will to create (find my way); …I would most likely not have found these tools and gems in the moment of time that I did.

I learned that I have to be the energy I want to receive.

If I want an honest relationship, I have to practice being honest myself (for example) and not when it’s convenient or fits my agenda.

I challenged my discomfort until I became comfortable being stretched.

I challenged my thoughts and my habits by creating new ones. Attempting new things.

I was honest about people, things and habits that didn’t serve me… which guided me on how to make room for the things, energy and people that did.

I replaced these people,
Things and habits with newness; such as reading, learning a new hobby/craft,
Associating with like minds and building true connections.

I had to be willing to lose the Version of me and life that was familiar (safe) for the version that was purposed and destined to be.


#authenticity #self #heal #create  #assurance #life #journey #learn #lessons #ideas #be #yourself

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