When I first started this journey I heard the phrase  “follow the path of least resistance.” 

At that time, I wasn’t able to accurately articulate what it was this phrase least resistance, truly meant.

I started realizing that least resistance meant to follow the path of ease and flow, of assurance.

Follow the path of surrender and Well-being.

What is for my truest and highest good and submitting to that knowledge. 

Often times when we are struggling to surrender its because our ego or mind is too attached to the outer world and or external circumstances vs believing in your power to Create life.

Meaning, when pride rises up in your spirit….

When contentment and resentment fill your mouth.

When the heart is willing but the flesh is stubborn.

Be Bold enough to…

Follow the path of least resistance…. And not the path that keeps you stuck and stagnant in your fears from yesterday.


#follow #the #path #of #least #resistance #do #the #work

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