Next Episode: Courage

Proverbs 20:11

States, “even small children are known by their actions so is there conduct really pure and right?”

For example, 

If a toddler became extremely engaged and active when certain genres of music play most people will conclude that this child either enjoys listening to music or enjoys dancing, etc.

likewise, if you’re constantly walking around with resting bitch face one can assume you’re unhappy with yourself, unhappy with your circumstances, or possibly unhappy with your life in general.

Just as we associate behaviors of a child with that child’s personality. 

How much further do you think that your circumstances, your behaviors and your habits are associated with who you truly are?

Just as young children sense and know which parent to go to when they want a cookie (or their needs or wants met), we also as adults know the process of cause and effect.

So one can safely assume that if you are living in an environment or experiencing unhealthy situation(s) and aren’t currently doing anything different to get a healthier response…. 

Either an individual chooses to remain comfortable in their discomfort 
Or one would have to choose to push against the grain, the negative thoughts, the negative experiences, to create thoughts and experiences and circumstances that serve you.


All the examples are just examples and are not and should not be considered as universal facts I.e. milk and bone comment)

#children #parent #party #adulting #honest #milk #body #growth #sure #thing #heal #mind #healthy #thoughts #lead #healthy #life #community #bible #source #conclude #joy #cause #effect #choices

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