Love is isn’t real.

I am what you call inquisitive.

Because of my inquisitive nature I decided to really examine the phrases “love is a fairytale”. “Love isn’t real”. 

I do not share this perspective.

I wondered, if these individuals who had this belief, possibly had not experienced love? Or was it that they had possibly been hurt by a past partner or loved one? And wasn’t willing to let go of the past or their expectations of what they thought should have happened (control). Allowing the disappointment of their unmet expectations to hinder their future. 

Since their expectation of love weren’t met, they decided to declare that love isn’t real for them and for their life.

Allowing the past to dictate their future as they unconsciously act from that belief and reject anything that feels or looks similar to Love.

It is the subconscious mind’s job to honor and act from the beliefs we hold dear. 

A belief is created by repetitious thought(s).

If you don’t believe love exist, that is a Belief.

Our beliefs are created by repetitious thoughts that support any particular idea until it manifest into a belief. 

Our habits are created from our beliefs.

Our lives are a direct reflection of our habits. 

We know, we have the power to create with our words. We know that the tongue has the power of life and death #bible . 

Meaning what we say has activating power to create life, external experiences.

Yet we say things that do not serve us and stagnant our paths.
We blame the outcome on people and circumstances without acknowledging the very seeds produced from our mouth; which is the harvest that we live and reap today.

•Pay attention to your thoughts. 
•Reshape those thoughts that don’t serve you.
•Create a new life. ✨✨

Let’s talk.

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