Christine of QuoteConvert is passionate about helping businesses to grow, and to give their clients and potential clients an excellent customer experience. She has many years of experience in service industries and in dealing with the public as customers and guests.

She also has been running a security business with her husband for about 20 years. As the person who generated the leads, sent out quotes, followed up the quotes and saw the value in doing that, she has first-hand knowledge of the importance of following up quotes and creating a fantastic customer experience.

Customer Care is also an integral part of running a successful business. It is far more cost-effective to keep and resell to the clients/customers you already have than to get new ones.

Customer Care plays a huge part in this part of a business, which is why she offers it as a valuable part of her service. Becoming known as The Queen of Follow-up, she does all things follow-up for businesses, working in a variety of industry sectors.

Many businesses are short on time to follow-up the quotes they put out to gain work. When they do not follow-up they are leaving money on the table and gaining an unnecessary tainted reputation.

As a service who does this work for them, they will save time, reduce stress and increase sales by 10-20% thereby increasing their turnover.

This relates to a great customer experience about which I am passionate. We also follow-up in other areas of business such as warm leads, after-sales feedback/reviews, and nurture current clients sometimes being able to upsell as well.

Many businesses do not have a process to handle and track leads/quotes. We offer a package of assessment of what you do now, what needs adjustment, recommend and implement changes, test them and adjust, then provide a written procedure for the Procedure Manuel.

This is important for efficiency and accountability within the business.

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