Tania Vasallo is the founder of “The Courage To Be Happy”, a community that empowers ambitious, hard working women to know how to own their value, charge for what they are worth so that they can have a bigger impact in the world. Since the launch of her business with a baby in hand, working part time she was able to reach the 6 figure revenue by her 4th year only working 20 hours per week. Tania supports and teaches motivated women the mindset, tools and strategies to heal their relationship with money so that they can feel financially empowered and create a life of freedom. Born to a Spanish father and an American mother, Tania’s childhood was heavily influenced by the end of the dictatorship in Spain. Her mission in life is to empower women who told “you’re not good enough” or feel like an underdog, to take control of their financial journey and flourish in freedom. Tania and her family currently make their home in Santa Fe, New Mexico. When she isn’t busy helping her clients be their best selves, Tania enjoys traveling, exploring nature and experiencing all of the adventures life has to offer.

Connect with Tania:

Website: www.amplifyourabundance.com