Monster Eels, vampires, and bizarre rains…Oh My! This episode is jam packed with all sorts of fascinating topics to say the least. First our hosts Marcus and Vic talk about the bizarre dolphin/eel hybrid that washed up on shore of Destiladeras Beach in Mexico. Our hosts break down the cryptid and give their thoughts on what this creature could be. They also break down the mysterious disappearance of Susan Walsh. On July 16, 1997 investigative journalist Susan Walsh disappeared while going to make a phone call at a pay phone. What makes her case so bizarre is the strange list of suspects. Ex-boyfriends, the Russian Mafia, and even vampires could all be blamed for her disappearance. Listen as our hosts break down this unusual missing person’s case like only they can.

The extended episode of the show is EXCLUSIVE to our patrons. We discuss several bizarre instances of strange things falling from the sky. Everything from frogs, blood, strange meat, and even identifiable jellies are explored in one of our hosts favorite episodes yet. Sign up to become a patron and hear the bonus section of the podcast by clicking HERE

For the story about the creature found on the beach click HERE
For the story of Hodag click HERE

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