Our intrepid hosts delve into legends about some larger than life creatures in this episode of TWS. First Marcus and Vic talk about the most recent Bigfoot sighting out of King James County Virginia. A man there reported hearing eerie sounds from the woods on his property and then comes face to face with an 8 foot tall Sasquatch. Then our hosts look  into the story of "The Giant of Kandahar". In the Kandahar region of Afghanistan 6 American solider come face to face with a 12 foot tall Giant that leaves them in a fire fight for their very lives! Listen as our hosts break down this modern legend like only they can!

The extended episode of the show is EXCLUSIVE to our patrons. We discuss the phenomena known as Doppelgangers. Ethereal forms that appear as an identical copy of the person who sees them. While at first they may come across as just an unsettling sight, these entities could spell out something far more grim to those who see them. Sign up to become a patron and hear the bonus section of the podcast by clicking HERE

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