Have you ever set an object in one place only to turn your back and then the next moment it's disappeared? Ever gone to look for an object in the place it's suppose to be only to find it in another location it shouldn't be. Maybe you are in the middle of a task, turned to investigate and found a random household item that doesn't belong in your home. If any of these incidents have happened, you are not alone. Many people have reported objects vanishing only to reappear moments later. This strange situation is known as The Disappearing Object Phenomenon. 
Vic is still sadly out sick for this episode so Marcus is joined once again by channel favorite Frank Hessian to discuss this bizarre phenomena. They discuss the work of Dr. Tony Jinx who conducted an empirical study over this phenomena. They discuss patterns of the objects that go missing as well as how significance to the owner plays into the phenomena. They go over all the common explanations as we all add a few more possibilities. Could this all just be a simple case of faulty memory or could there be a legitimate paranormal phenomena going on? Listen to this great episode to find out more! 
The extended episode of our shows is EXCLUSIVE to our patrons. Recently astronomers have discovered some lights in the night sky in previous photos are no longer there. Some believe that stars are disappearing from the night sky. Could this be caused by solar flares, gamma bursts, or even alien mega structures? Marcus and Frank discuss some of the theories in one of the longest pillow talk segments to date!   Sign up to become a patron and get access to this great content by clicking HERE
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