Many have heard the legend of The Bermuda Triangle however, many haven't heard of an equally dangerous body of water known as The Dragon's Triangle. Located off the southern tip of Japan, many planes and boats have gone missing under mysterious circumstances in it's waters. Tales of strange weather phenomena, UFOs, and even a mysterious monster has been rumored to be sighted in these waters. 
Vic is out sick for this episode so Marcus is joined by channel favorite Frank Hessian to discuss this bizarre phenomena. They discuss some of their favorite legends surrounding the triangle as well as some of the possible scientific explanations for the disappearances.  Could there be a simple scientific explanation for the disappearances or could this body of water be a legitimate paranormal hot spot? Listen to this great episode to find out more! 
The extended episode of our shows is EXCLUSIVE to our patrons. Marcus and Frank continue in one of our longest episodes to date. Frank and Marcus ask some important questions surrounding this phenomena. Is there something to this phenomena or could people be projecting their own superstitions on the ocean? Marcus discusses how innumeracy could be a factor in how we think about The Dragon's Triangle. Sign up to become a patron and get access to this great content by clicking HERE
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