Tanya and Jonathan talk about the morality of having sex with a person shaped like a bear in Balder's Gate 3, the horror of Skibidi, Bobby Kotick's inflated salary and deflating appearance in The White Party video, and review some G-Fuel flavors that taste like Pokemon Trainers, Spider-Man and Pewdiepie. Our guest Lynn talks about making it big on Tiktok with amazing gaming observations and Spongebob conversations, and Quinn talks about the magic, mystery and potential for Pikmin 4.

Time codes:

0:00:00 - I Pity the FU
0:02:34 - What Makes It Worth It?
0:04:04 - Lyn Interview - Videogame TikToks
0:31:13 - Skibidi
0:33:01 - Sensual Baldur's Gate 3
0:38:09 - Quinn Interview - Pikmin Theories
1:02:07 - Bobby Kotick's White Party Music Video
1:04:32 - Product Review - G Fuel
1:14:52 - Wrap Up/Plugs
1:18:02 - Bear Sex

Bear Sex song by Daniel on Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/d-booth-sanford/bear-sex-feat-jonathan-and-tanya

Our guests Online:

Lyn aka blpry: https://www.tiktok.com/@blpry?_t=8c1dFrgJudm&_r=1

Quinn: https://twitter.com/Q27

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