Tanya and Jonathan talk about how Gamergate was empty drama and Tekken 8's colorblind mode looks amazing. Guests Spectra Wrestles talks about how Gaming Twitter is a black hole of meaninlessness and Jacqueline.

Show notes:
0:00:00 - Cat for a Day
0:02:52 - 2024, Already a Feel Bad Year
0:04:00 - 10 Year Anniversary of Gamergate
0:12:38 - How to Stop Bickering and Have a Revolution with Spectra Wrestles
0:41:20 - The Victim/Victimizer/Protector Triangle
0:45:56 - Getting Passionate about Fighting Games with Jacqueline
1:17:41 - Tekken 8's Colorblind Mode is Abstract Art
1:19:01 - Being Optimistic for 2024
1:20:15 - Wrap Up/Plugs
1:22:05 - Sex Object

Our guests on Twitter:

Spectra Wrestles: https://twitter.com/SpectraWrestles

Jacqueline Doomkitn: https://twitter.com/doomkitn

Our talk with Jacqueline on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9PyPyDZ6d9U

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