Launching our fourth season of Talking Techniques, this episode, supported by the University of Cincinnati (OH, USA) we delve into rare disease research and pharmacogenomics, their intersection and the key techniques used to explore them.

Guiding us through these fields is Brenna Carey, an Assistant Professor at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center whose research focuses on rare disease pathogenesis, diagnostics and therapeutic development and who also runs key courses on the University’s Pharmacogenomics and Drug Discovery Masters degree programs.


Introduction: 00:00-01:15

An introduction to pulmonary alveolar proteinosis (PAP) and rare lung diseases 01:15-03:50

Techniques to investigate the pathogenesis of PAP: 03:50-05:30

Developing diagnostics and therapeutics for PAP: 05:30-08:20

The importance of pharmacogenomics in drug development: 08:20-11:25

Key techniques and approaches in pharmacogenomics: 11:25-13:00

Emerging trends in pharmacogenomics: 13:00-15:05

Key takeaways from your pharmacogenomics course: 15:00-18:00

What would you ask for to improve our understanding of pharmacogenomics? 18:00-20:15

This episode is supported by the University of Cincinnati Online

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