While we doubt anyone will say "I love pop-up ads!", by the time you're finished this episode of the #SpinSucksPodcast, we think you'll start to realize how effective they can be in your marketing efforts, and start to hate them less. Gini Dietrich tells us why.
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The post Spin Sucks Podcast #70: Pop-Ups—Love ‘Em or Leave ‘Em appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.

Raise your hand if you love clicking onto your favorite site only to be immediately bombarded by pop-ups?

Everyone have your hands raised?

Of course not!

I’m willing to bet many of you think pop-ups are simply annoying.

However, whether you love or hate them, they can be effective in converting customers.

I know … probably not what you wanted to hear, right?


It’s All About the Data

Because we intuitively know how much everyone dislikes pop-ups, we spend a lot of time discussing whether or not we should use them in our marketing strategies.

Well, we looked at the stats and the general conversion rate from pop-ups is around 3%, and can go as high as 9%!

Most other online conversion rates range anywhere from 1% to 3%.

Of course, it’s important to keep in mind that just slapping some pop-ups on your site isn’t enough to achieve that sort of success.

Pop-ups have to be integrated into your marketing strategy, that’s already using the PESO model.

Which is exactly the topic of this week’s Spin Sucks podcast.

Pop-Ups: Not as Bad as You Think

In this week’s episode, you’ll learn:

The different types of pop-up ads you can use
How each pop-up works
Why you should work pop-ups into your marketing strategy
The next steps to follow after your pop-up ads start working
How to create funnels from your pop-up ads

Do You Use Pop-Up Ads?

Do you love or hate pop-ups? Have you found an effective way to work them into your marketing strategy? We’d love to hear about it.

Tell us how you feel about pop-ups in the comments below!

The post Spin Sucks Podcast #70: Pop-Ups—Love ‘Em or Leave ‘Em appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.