My motto or creed if you will for 2017 and beyond is Family Over Everything...Ownership Over Everything Else! If we adopt this thinking in the black community we'll position ourselves to overcome the many challenges that we're faced with. What allowed us to make it this far is the strength of our families and that strength is being challenged and compromised more and more. But...let's take it one step further. Once we tighten up the family we should turn our focus to ownership. We must own and produce all the things that we consume, just like every other culture on the planet. Here are my thoughts:

About the host:

Author, wealth strategist and entrepreneur H Cortez presents Talking Money in the Morning LIVE! a show dedicated to uplift the working class American by providing practical, proven wealth building strategies. The mission of the show is to raise the collective financial I.Q. of the working class community and to inspire, motivate and encourage them to rise to greater heights. It's time that we all go beyon suviving and start living. That can only happen when we get money as an issue out of the way.

Connect with H Cortez, Financial Health Mentor

Youtube @ Financial Health Mentor

Twitter @CortezSpringer

email: [email protected]


Phone: 314-874-6887

DISCLAIMER:The Financial Health Mentor H Cortez is not a tax professional or certified financial planner/adviser.

The information shared on this channel is for information purposes only. Any financial strategy suggested by H Cortez

others featured on this channel should be approved by your professional tax advisor or financial planner BEFORE you

choose to implement any strategies suggest by H Cortez or others that may appear on this channel.