Basecamp's Ryan Singer on the difference between UI and UX, how to build meaningful solutions for problems and people, and what it means to "scratch the itch."

Here's what to listen for:

0:40 What is user interface (UI) design?
3:14 Is focusing on user experience (UX) a distraction?
5:04 Who on the team is most responsible for UX?
5:49 Where should a person with just an idea begin?
6:59 How can a non-technical person judge design deliverables?
10:44 Are there any intermediate deliverables before having someone code up the product itself?
15:40 What questions can a first time founder ask themselves to get more clarity?
20:02 How do you mitigate risk in designing a product?
22:35 What do you do with user and stakeholder feedback?
24:59 What do you do when you feel as though what you’re building should be solving a pain, but it’s not?
27:48 Should I learn how to code?