Our guest on the Talkin’ About Podcast this week is Emi Howe, who in 2012 was diagnosed with breast cancer and beat it. Emi is a body therapist and has been for 16 years, helping a lot people who are suffering from or who have suffered with cancer, using her own experience to improve her therapy. She started BodEquality in a bid to change the perception of how bodies are represented in the media, as well how the use of research can improve things going forward. She hasn’t always had the words to describe what it is she was feeling, but as the climate shifts positively towards a more open and honest world she has discovered the language is there and everyone is beginning to use it. When she was initially diagnosed with cancer she did a series of photoshoots, 9 in total, documenting her recovery on an Instagram account called ‘The Cancer Nude’. She has been involved with a campaign for breast cancer awareness with Marks & Spencer which was a pivotal moment for her, and lead her to speak on Loose Women about bodies and how the process of recovering from cancer has given her a lot more respect for the human body, she feels more loyal to it. She won the Body Therapist of the year award and works with companies, delivering workshops and speeches as well as creating resources, ranging from picture books to work place body image training. She says “There’s always a reason for these things and you can either use it for your gain and think wow has it given me back a lot, or you can let it absorb you and I guess that’s a big choice, a choice on how you can grow out of the situation”

Find out more about Emi here:

Instagram: @bodequality

Stay tuned as the podcast grows in a positive way!

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