This week we’re pleased to welcome Jo Love, who is an award-winning mental health advocate, speaker and writer. She is also the founder of Lobella Loves and campaigns both on and offline to let others know it is ok not to be ok. Her current campaigns include #DepressionWearsLippy is helping break down the stigma of what the ‘face’ of mental health looks like, as well as running the hugely successful Tea for PND events and campaigning to lower the current maternal suicide rate. Not only that, she is also a trained Mental Health First Aider and Time to Change Champion and also a Director of the newly formed Speakers Collective. She says “I’m usually patient, I can normally compartmentalise, chalk [people’s] insults up as ignorance. But just occasionally I don’t want to play nice and I shouldn’t have to. I’m allowed to be angry, I’m allowed to roar. MENTAL ILLNESS IS NOT A CHOICE. IT IS NOT A FAILURE. IT IS NOT WEAKNESS.”