And we’re back! After Charlotte’s laptop recently got stolen, the Talkin’ About Podcast turned into a bit of a stagnant pond. It took a little time to sort the situation out, but I’m pleased to say we are now back online!

We decided to bounce back with a very special and incredibly important episode, talking to our parents about what it’s like to manage children suffering with mental health problems and how does it feel? As they frequently express worries that it is their own fault we suffered from Anxiety and Depression, it’s important to recognise it was not. One of the first thing a parent will do is blame themselves, so we hope this episode will break that stigma! If you’re a parent, this episode should hopefully shine some light from a different perspective.

Stay tuned as the podcast grows in a positive way!

If you feel like you need to talk to someone:

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Instagram - @maisondechoup

Twitter - @maisondechoup
Facebook - Search Maison de Choup

George - @georgedhodgson (Instagram)
Charlotte - @crltte (Instagram)