Want to Speak at the Big Conferences? Here’s What It Really Takes

Whether you’re an aspiring speaker or just curious about the truth vs. the illusion of success, this episode is for you. If you’re feeling the pressure to achieve overnight success in your career, and the thought of never reaching that level is weighing you down, then you are not alone! The constant pursuit of big opportunities and recognition can be overwhelming, especially when you see others achieving it “effortlessly.” It’s time to address the myths of overnight success and develop a resilient mindset to seize business opportunities.

Debunking the Myths of Overnight Success in Business
Success, especially in public speaking, doesn’t happen overnight. The journey to achieve it is characterized by countless hours of practice, continuous learning, and resilience. Thus, the idea of instant success, often propagated by social media, is misleading and should be countered with a realistic perspective that acknowledges the time and effort required to excel.

My special guest is Meghan Ely

OFD Consulting owner Meghan Ely combines in-the-trenches event experience with a love of wedding PR to empower her clients to take their businesses to new heights. The Public Relations Society of America regularly honors her team’s publicity efforts, and more recently, Eventex named her one of the most influential Wedding Professionals in the Industry.

A long-time industry speaker and writer, she is a WeddingPro educator with The Knot + WeddingWire, as well as a regular contributor to Wedding Planner Magazine, Catersource, and SpecialEvents.com.

Meghan is an International Past President of WIPA and a member of the Allied Council for the National Society of Black Wedding and Event Professionals.

In this episode, you will learn how to:

Master the art of becoming a keynote speaker: Unlock the secrets to landing prestigious speaking opportunities and captivating your audience. Debunk the myths of overnight success in business: Discover the truth behind building a successful speaking career and the real work it takes to achieve it. Navigate the wedding industry speaking circuit: Uncover the strategies for establishing yourself as a sought-after speaker in the wedding industry. Cultivate personal development through public speaking: Harness the power of public speaking to grow personally and professionally and make a lasting impact on your audience. Thrive in high-stakes speaking engagements: Learn how to prepare and excel in high-pressure speaking situations, leaving a lasting impression on your audience.

Go grab your coffee or your tea, and let’s talk it out. 

Connect with Meghan Ely



What Renee’s Obsessed With This Week

💥 I’ve got some seriously exciting news to share with you.

You know how my calendar’s always jam-packed with epic coaching sessions, right? Well, guess what? ONLY ONE COACHING SPOT IS OPEN NOW!

Whether you’re craving some serious goal-achieving action, need a boost of motivation to level up your sales or workflow game, or want expert guidance to help navigate life’s twists and turns, now’s your chance to secure a spot on my A-list coaching roster. But here’s the deal: these spots always go quickly, so if you’re curious, don’t wait. 

Ready to dive in and make some serious magic happen? Click here for more! 

Until next week, friends!