How are You Different from Your competition?
We are constantly being told to “outshine” our competitors, but how much thought have you actually invested in discovering what your UNIQUE value is?
It’s not about who's cheapest.
It’s not about being the fastest.
It’s not about who can spend the most on paid advertisement.
As you listen to today’s episode, ask yourself:
— What makes me and my services different?
— What can I do that NO ONE ELSE can do?
I would LOVE to hear how YOU are different from your competition. Let me know!

How are You Different from Your competition?

We are constantly being told to “outshine” our competitors, but how much thought have you actually invested in discovering what your UNIQUE value is?

It’s not about who's cheapest.

It’s not about being the fastest.

It’s not about who can spend the most on paid advertisement.

As you listen to today’s episode, ask yourself:

— What makes me and my services different?

— What can I do that NO ONE ELSE can do?

I would LOVE to hear how YOU are different from your competition. Let me know!