On June 16, 2008, Casey Anthony left her parents’ home in Orlando, Florida with her daughter, Caylee.  Caylee’s grandfather, George, was the last person, other than Casey, to see her alive.  For 31 days, Casey lied to her mother about where she and Caylee were, who they were with and what they were doing.  On July 15, 2008, Cindy Anthony tracked her daughter down and demanded that Casey take her to Caylee.  Eventually, Casey told her brother that Caylee had been kidnaped by a fictional “nanny.”  In response to Cindy Anthony’s frantic call, the Orange County Sheriff’s Department began their investigation by taking Casey around Orlando to places she claimed the babysitter had lived.  The next day, investigators returned, bringing Casey to her office at Universal Studios.  After leading investigators on a second wild goose chase, Casey finally admitted that she hadn’t worked there since shortly after Caylee’s birth in 2005.  In spite of blunt statements from investigators, Casey continued telling the kidnaping story.  She was arrested and jailed, yet continued claiming that her daughter had been kidnaped by a non-existent “nanny.”  When Caylee’s body was found in December, 2008 in a wooded area a half mile from the Anthony residence, Casey was charged with first degree murder.  Join Lisa O’Brien and Michael Carnahan on Tuesday, August 21, 2018, at 8:00 p.m. Central for a discussion of the facts surrounding Caylee’s disappearance, the evidence against Casey Anthony, the controversial verdict that resulted in her acquittal of all charges arising from Caylee’s death and the change in the law in Florida and other states that were spurred by this tragedy.