Join Lisa O’Brien and Michael Carnahan on Tuesday, August 14, 2018, at 8:00 p.m. Central for Part 2 of Clear and Convincing’s update episode.  We’ll be discussing new developments in some of the cases we’ve covered since we launched in February, 2018, including the U.S. Supreme Court’s denial of Rodney Reed’s DNA testing writ and new post-conviction claims raised in state court and the status of Jeffrey MacDonald’s appeal to the U.S. Fourth Circuit.  We’ll talk about additional information in the Kevin Cooper and Christopher Young cases and whether there have been new developments in some of the other cases, including Larry Swearingen and Hank Skinner and we’ll also discuss some of the cases we plan to cover the rest of our first season.  If you have any suggestions for future shows, please call us at (347) 989-1171.