After a short break our not-so-superheroes are back, and this time it's personal! A very lazy, geeky, random and rambling episode this one as Caz and Dan get back into the swing of things. There's tales from Belgium, lots of TV and movie chat, bad singing, discussion of just how Lionel Ritchie defies gravity and loads more nonsense. This episode comes with 20% extra free (to make up for missing a show) but it's still low in calories and a great source of protein. Don't forget you can contribute by emailed [email protected] you know you want to ;-)

After a short break our not-so-superheroes are back, and this time it’s personal! A very lazy, geeky, random and rambling episode this one as Caz and Dan get back into the swing of things. There’s tales from Belgium, lots of TV and movie chat, bad singing, discussion of just how Lionel Ritchie defies gravity and loads more nonsense. This episode comes with 20% extra free (to make up for missing a show) but it’s still low in calories and a great source of protein. Don’t forget you can contribute by emailed [email protected] you know you want to

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Things we reference this time:

Caz has many ongoing injuries right now. “Bad neck, bad tooth, bad attitude!” There’s a title for the autobiography, you can have that one.

Caz’s backstreet dentisty kit, sterilized by dental nurse Dan

Best wishes to Aimee!! We already have plans to make you an awesome robot leg, we just need to collect a bit more tinfoil!
Caz went to see Glass. “Not mass superhero coolness but a pretty decent film” there you go put that on the poster guys
Dan watched DC’s Titans TV series and really liked it. Quite dark and moody but very cool and really well made. Not what you normally get from Greg Berlanti, the network TV restraints on sex and violence were clearly off on this one. Plus it’s got Doom Patrol in it, so give it a go. It’s on Netflix in the UK.
Caz has been watching Nightflyers by George R R Martin
They both massively enjoyed the series Russian Doll which came out recently on Netflix. Highly recommended!
Caz is enjoying Season 3 of True Detective and was confused at how it ended but the good news is there’s still 2 episodes yet to be aired! So hopefully it’ll make more sense then. She has also been enjoying Adam Sandler’s stand up.
Caz recommends Velvet Buzzsaw.
Dan recommends the film Polar with Mads Mikkelson as a grizzled old assassin who must fight for his life against the company that employs him. Fantastic film based on a series of webcomics and graphic novels from Dark Horse comics.
Legion is coming back for a 3rd and final season where they have cast a new Professor X.
Ben Affleck has quit being Batman and wont return for the upcoming stand alone film. Cue the big casting rumour mill.
Dan mentions Equilibrium which is a classic Christian Bale sci-fi film.
The Disney purchase of FOX is going ahead and it means a lot of X-Men films have been axed.
Will Smith is in the new Aladdin and it’s directed by Guy Ritchie.
John Wick 3 is going ahead with Halle Berry.
Caz instigates and impromptu High Fidelity style musical Top 5. Dan is officially shit at this but maintains he needs more parameters and could make many top 5s depending on the situation, a poor excuse hehehe
Caz lists: The Cure – “Close To Me”, NineInchNails – “Closer”, Electric Six <song unspecified>, Mindless Self-Indulgence – “Prescription”,
Dan fails to give an exact top 5 but does mention Dire Straits – “Money For Nothing” because it made him learn to play the guitar, seminal moment. Also the first he ever bought as a young kid which was “Happy Hour” by The Housemartins.
Dan has been reading… yes you heard right, reading, which is a shock to all of us. He has finished “Klopp: Bring The Noise” by Raphael Honigstein which was meh (7/10) but has started again with “Hells Angels” by Hunter S Thompson and is very proud that he’s half way through reading it a week, a record for our Dyslexic avenger.
Caz is waiting to finish the Ben Arranonovich “Rivers Of London” series when the next book comes out.
Our heroes went on a secret international mission to FOSDEM the biggest Open Source event in the world in Brussels.
Caz got to meet Fab (AKA @fabsh) and compare notes, our very own “Columbo’s wife” of the show! Dan & Fab do a show about the detective series Bosch, it’s called Hollywood Outlaws and you should give it a listen… ok enough advertising, back to the Brussels conversation.
Dan helped out with the first ever CopyleftConf not CoffeeLeftConf (is there any coffee left?) which is something slightly different that we should totally do. He recorded lots of audio there for the Free As In Freedom podcast, oops more self promotion sorry hehe
Our heroes spent time observing hipsters in their natural habitat of a jazz cafe in Brussels, the bad were really good actually but they also found a flyer for the Kraak Festival which has the most amazing band names ever, see the photo.

The flyer our heroes found in Brussels

Right that’s your lot, so as we say in Liverpool… do one will ya! But before you do please remember to send us your thoughts, feelings, complaints, confessions or anything else to [email protected] or use the anonymous form on the website.

Now get out of our shop! ….and please come again

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