The first Unattested pod of 2019 in which our heroes discuss their Christmas exploits. Mostly eating, watching TV and Trivial Pursuit, they're just that rock n roll! There is also another tale from the Lugless Duglass sagas, some really bad attempts to make the T.A.R.D.I.S noise, Spider-Ham and plenty of geekery to kick off the New Year. Don't forget you can contribute by emailed [email protected] you know you want to ;-)

The first Unattested pod of 2019 in which our heroes discuss their Christmas exploits. Mostly eating, watching TV and Trivial Pursuit, they’re just that rock n roll! There’s also another tale from the Lugless Douglass sagas, some really bad attempts to make a T.A.R.D.I.S noise, Spider-Ham, silliness and plenty of geekery to kick off the New Year. Don’t forget you can contribute by emailed [email protected] you know you want to

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Things we reference this time:

Caz has been re-watching Minority Report. Were any of it’s futuristic tech predictions any good? Or were they in fact utter crap…

In our recurring section Weird News Stories Caz Has Seen – Police are now using computers to predict crime… Ok so maybe those Minority Report predictions weren’t so bad after all.

Dan has been watching the re-imagined Battlestar Galactica after temporarily losing his Geek Card from admitting he’d never seen it. We also compare it to Westworld a bit, which thankfully Dan has seen, still a chance he’ll get that card back then…
We continue to relate the tales of Lugless Douglass
Dan went to the cinema over Christmas to see Aquaman and Spiderman: Into The Spider-Verse. He is madly in love with Spider-Ham AKA Peter Porker.

Spider-Ham AKA Peter Porker

Caz recommends the BBC mini-series  Jonathan Strange And Mr Norrell
She also spent many hours figuring out all the different possible endings to the interactive Black Mirror special which came out recently. You can get it on Netflix in the UK.
Our heroes discuss how Tom Hanks is a pretty good actor and could even make a career out of this, they also think this Stephen King kid could have a future in writing hehehe
Caz recommends Rivers Of London book series by Ben Aaronovich. Particularly the audio version on Audible read by Kobna Holdbrook-Smith.
Dan recommends the classic British TV sketch show Big Train where Simon Pegg and many others got their big break.

Right that’s your lot, so as we say in Liverpool… do one will ya! But before you do please remember to send us your thoughts, feelings, complaints, confessions or anything else to [email protected] or use the anonymous form on the website.

Now get out of our shop! ….and please come again