Hello Fellow Revolutionaries,

God has been so faithful! All people of all generations can say this in full truth.

Today is no different. 

I have often asked the following question in my life, "What's wrong with this country?! Can't I walk down the street without being offered a job?"

I say that to say that I have had a recent job change. This change is within the same company. They made me an offer and I couldn't refuse it.

With this change I have had a hard time adjusting to the new hours.

I also have begun the Spring semester in my collegiate efforts.

I have found that, through these changes, I have not been able to post as many blogs.

I have, praise God, been able to release podcast episodes weekly.

I apologize that the blog posts have not been as frequent.

I also thank you for continuing to listen to the podcast.

God has been faithful in providing amazing guests that will glorify the name of the Lord!

I just conducted an interview today and I am very excited about! It will bring glory to the Real Jesus of Nazareth.

Keep listening for more Tales of the Revolution with Jason Vreeke.

But even more so, please, keep living the Revolution for the greatest Revolutionary of all...

Jesus Christ.

-Jason Vreeke

P.S. Episode 13 is in the works and will not be one you want to miss!