Fellow Revolutionaries,

I am pleased to announce the release of Episode 13 of Tales of the Revolution with Jason Vreeke.

This episode is entitled Crash But Don't Burn.

My special guest storyteller is Brad Dacus, President and Founder of the Pacific Justice Institute

You can learn more about all they do with religious liberties, parental rights, and more at their website, PacificJustice.org

In this episode, Brad Dacus tells his story of how God miraculously healed him after a life-altering accident.

But first, we have a story from a friend of mine who I am calling, Rediscovered Woman. What happens when your marriage and life crash and fall apart? Find out! Don't miss this story!

Links below will be found to watch, listen or download!

Episode 13 - Crash But Don't Burn<---Click to Play/Right-Click to Download.

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