Today on the Tales of a Red Clay Rambler Podcast I have a double interview featuring Sunshine Cobb and Anthony Schaller/Brittany Stecker Mason. In the first segment, I talk with Sunshine about her new book Mastering Hand Building. The book features practical techniques for hand building objects in clay, as well as, artists interviews and a section on finding your voice through making. To find out more visit


In the second segment, I talk with gallery directors Anthony Schaller and Brittany Stecker Mason. They run the Schaller Gallery located in St. Joseph, MI. The gallery carries contemporary ceramics with a focus on functional pots for daily use. Their roster of artists includes a selection of the best potters working today including Matt Metz, Julia Galloway, Randy Johnston and many more. In our interview, we talk about building a collector base, pricing work, and planning for the future. To see the exhibitions that are currently on display in the gallery visit


Hey Red Clay Rambler fans, I need your help to keep this show on the air. We need 25 new patrons to reach our monthly fundraising goal. Visit to pledge your support and become a sustaining member. We have a batch of rewards to offer including the new Vintage Radio shirt, handmade pots, posters and much more. Visit to sign up today.