Today on the Tales of a Red Clay Rambler Podcast I have an interview with Jacob Meer and Ian Connors. The two are connected through apprenticeship training with Simon Levin and specialize in wood firing. In the interview, we talk about the value of an apprenticeship, living in rural Wisconsin and learning to fire wood kilns.  You can see examples of their work at and Simon Levin has helped educate seventeen potters at his Mill Creek Pottery in Gresham, WI. For more information on the apprenticeship visit


This episode of the Tales of a Red Clay Rambler is sponsored by National Clay Week Open Studios, a nationwide event that celebrates clay, community and creativity. October 13-15 artists across the US are invited to open their doors to the public for demonstrations, lectures, and exhibitions. Join us for a celebration of the ceramic arts! For more information on how you can join the event visit