Today on the Tales of a Red Clay Rambler Podcast I have an interview with Shoko Teruyama. Her colorful earthenware pottery features drawings of vines, floral motifs, and narrative characters depicting personal experiences and folklore. She uses the vessel as a canvas for her drawings and says, “Many of the forms allude to function and would serve food well, but are more comfortable being placed in sacred spaces of the home like the center of a formal dining room table, a hope chest, or a bedside stand.” In the interview we talk about Shinto temple architecture, her approach to pattern and using fictional characters to embody personal experiences.

Teruyama was raised in Mishima, Japan and has lived in the United States since 1997. She has been a resident artist at the Penland School of Craft and has an MFA from Wichita State University. You can find out more about her work at


This episode of Tales of a Red Clay Rambler is sponsored by Sonoma Ceramics in Sonoma, California. They are one of the North Bay’s leading ceramics studios, offering clay experiences for all ages, levels, and financial means. They will be hosting the Artstream Ceramics Symposium from March 31- April 2. The symposium consists of three days of exhibitions, conversations and demonstrations by internationally-known ceramics artists from the Artstream Nomadic Gallery. Doug Bro, Julia Galloway and Ben Carter will be demonstrating and representing three generations that work with diverse techniques and materials. Take this opportunity to experience historic Sonoma through clay! To register please visit


This episode of the podcast is also sponsored by Alfred University School of Art and Design Summer Session. Work in Alfred’s world-class facilities alongside John Gill, Inchin Lee, Christina West, Alwyn O’Brien, Bruce Cochrane, Bill Carty and Sunshine Cobb. Courses are offered June 19 through July 21, and include four, two, or one week sessions. There is also a two week online course on Glaze Effects and Color taught by Matt Katz allowing you to study from the comfort of you own studio. For more information, or to register, visit