Today on the Tales of a Red Clay Rambler Podcast I have an interview with Liz Quackenbush. An artist since her teens, she spent decades refining the maijolica technique that allowed her to paint vivid imagery on her forms. Since then she has explored many methods for making functional pottery. She has also directed generations of students in her 20-year tenure as a professor of ceramics at Penn State University. In the interview we talk about maturing as an educator, searching for the original source for patterns, and keeping it fresh in the studio. For more information please visit


This episode of the Tales of a Red Clay Rambler Podcast is brought to you by Simon Levin’s Mill Creek Pottery. Simon is pleased to offer a self-driven workshop called the Intimate Anagama - May 16th - May 29th in Gresham, Wisconsin. Workshop attendees will get individual instruction on loading and firing techniques as they complete their own work in the 120 cubic foot anagama. Simon and his apprentices will be present throughout the two weeks, offering guidance and a helping hand.  Have you ever wanted alone time firing a giant kiln? With a focus on first-hand experience, this workshop will help you gain a sense of ownership and accomplishment. The workshop also features demonstrations, critiques, shared meals, and humor, lots and lots of humor.  You will return home tired, inspired, and empowered with a full car of your own finished work. To maintain a focus on quality, registration is limited to 7.  More information on this rare opportunity can be found at