On this week’s episode of Tales from the Mind Boat are my thoughts and feelings on art and how its importance seems to be shifting its ef€ë€ëZëZfect. HowitmaybeŸôŸônômisû unity.IûüûüûÇüÇüýýýýòinterpriEE££¶¶eted ormisunderstoodçèè0é0é^è^ècçcç”æ”æ…å…å/ä/ä[ and howÑ × ×÷á÷áèíèíKøKø ¯ many canÞÞ™ ™ <þ<þ¤ø¤ø/ô/ôÌñÌñdñdñgòg view the sameMMˆ ˆ €ü€üøø”õ”õíõíõš÷š÷l image and get a differe  g g òüòü›ù›ùöööweare ö¢ntmeaning. We are the ones who c$ç$çˆåˆå-ä-ä<åan help you. We ))Ïϧwearefamily.§~~rrââYYAare famâ½il weare´ååth wayÇüýýýýYouned›ùööööus›ùööööhiwaal²ÙÙÙwaysççöö¬¬,,ÇÇ××Þ[1]Þ[1]’ü’üœöœöwówófôfôáøáøÄþÄþ™ ™ ÇÇ}}ÿ‑ÿ‑O%O% ( (Å'Å'ü%ü%/#/#”‑”‑ÐÐîîññqqžž to be.

On this week’s episode of Tales from the Mind Boat are my thoughts and feelings on art and how its importance seems to be shifting its ef€ë€ëZëZfect. HowitmaybeŸôŸônômisû unity.IûüûüûÇüÇüýýýýòinterpriEE££¶¶eted ormisunderstoodçèè0é0é^è^ècçcç”æ”æ…å…å/ä/ä[ and howÑ × ×÷á÷áèíèíKøKø ¯ many canÞÞ™ ™