Today I'm talking with Lindsay Marino about tapping into intuitive mediumship after tragic loss. Lindsay is an international psychic medium, podcast host, and co-author of the #1 Amazon bestseller, 365 Days of Angel Prayers. She shares how grief pulled her off her path and into her purpose after the sudden loss of her boyfriend at age 23. This experience changed everything about what she thought her life would be. When she realized her calling was to help others after loss, she closed the door on her teaching career to open her heart to a path that had been calling to her in subtle ways since childhood. Listen in to hear her story.

What to Listen For: 

Who is Lindsay Marino?
The event that shifted everything for her
Who she was before her loss changed her life

"When everything shifted for me, it was almost as if everything slowed down in a way; if you could think of it like that. Everything went in slow motion. Like, is this really happening? Just getting up out of bed was a struggle."

What kept her moving forward through her grief
Receiving some amazing signs during the hardest moments of her life
Her first psychic moments

"So one of the moments was, I had a visitation from Nick. I saw him, and this was a sleeping state at that moment, and he said, you're not going to see me for a while, but I'm still going to be around you. And this was telepathic communication."

An unexpected early birthday surprise
The sense that people thought she was completely crazy
Seeking moments of just being by herself for meditating, taking long walks, painting, and just being in her own space
The importance of honoring yourself during periods of grief

"You try to make other people feel comfortable because they feel uncomfortable that you're going through it, but that's where you get yourself into trouble because you're trying to please them, which you're never going to. And then you're not honoring your own self during that time, too."

Lindsay's relationship to intuitive psychic experiences before embracing this life
Out-of-body experiences as a child
Being highly sensitive from a young age
Always having a side of her that wanted to reach out and connect to the spirit realm
Going to a psychic with a college friend feeling guilt and shame as she wrote the check

"She was experiencing this moment. And it was almost like a foreshadowing of what was to come for me. I just didn't know it at the time. So that's pretty interesting to look back and connect the dots on any area of our life and see that... oh wow, there were certain things that were preparing us. You can't really be prepared for something big like this, but moments that kind of paved the way at times."

Love, healing, and grief all wrapped into Nick's visitations
The conversation she had with him days before he passed

"We actually had a conversation before he passed on a Sunday. He died on a Tuesday. 

We went to church together, and it was all about grieving. And he had a conversation and said, 'well, if I ever died, I wouldn't want anyone to grieve my loss and get caught up in addiction or stop working, because death is a part of life'. 

And I got frustrated with him, and I'm like, stop talking about this. Why are you saying this? 

He's like, I'm not going anywhere. I'm just saying. Because he had a lot of loss in his life. He said, 'I'm just saying, I wouldn't want anyone to stop living.' That conversation was a huge piece that would come into my mind after thinking, okay, I got to keep on moving. He said you got to keep on moving."

The fear dreams that made things harder
Reconciling her religious background with her psychic experiences

"After he passed, I didn't care. I didn't even have any fear of any sin or anything like that because when I had the experiences, I felt so much healing. It's almost like when that part of me died in the moment where all of a sudden,