Today, I'm talking with Thomas Wurm about becoming awakened by heart-fire. Thomas is the creator of Mountain Mind Tricks, a wildland firefighter, an author, a Master Practitioner in NLP, Hypnosis, and Mental Emotional Release, among many other very interesting things. His company, Mountain Minds Tricks, was founded to aid in the mental health crisis for wildland firefighters and other first responders. We're diving into the path that led him to this work... from being a very open child to having a near-death experience to losing a cherished friend and mentor. We're discussing how the quest to heal his anxiety turned into finding his true and real self and his real calling not long after.

What to Listen For: 

The loss that led Thomas to this work
Coping with loss through alcohol and what changed when he stopped
The life-changing occurrence that changed everything for him
The physical manifestations of his trauma

"Chronic pain in my neck, back, knees, all my joints... my stomach would hurt all the time, and all of a sudden, I had this gluten intolerance thing that showed up.

I was never gluten intolerant before. So after the trauma, there was this gluten intolerance. I had heat in my body to the point where I was always hot. I had a fever of probably 99 for like a year, so my whole body was out of whack. I had really bad anxiety, especially health anxiety.

You know how you get little pains in your body? It was like the end of the world for me. I mean, I would totally lose it with that. My pupils were always dilated. I had really crazy stuff going on in my head all the time. It was just hard to even go to work at this point.

I mean, it was getting pretty desperate and just a lot of despair in my life and pretty hopeless at that point."

How a near-death experience in high school altered who he was overnight
Not realizing he'd had a near-death experience until much later in life
Turning to mediation, yoga, Kung Fu, classes, and reading after his experience
Coming back to these modalities after experiencing his loss
Going into a deep meditation and asking the universe to open his third eye - and what happened next
How this through his body even more out of whack and more negatively impacted his health

"I don't recommend doing something like that, but it was quite the experience that changed everything for me. Again."

How his practice has allowed him to access different parts of himself

"My heart center intuition is like off the charts now; there's a lot of natural healing gifts that I was given as far as helping people shift their energy. The work I do now at the Timeline Therapy is just so congruent with that stuff. We're shifting the subconscious beliefs."

Being in a highly masculine field with a lot of closed off, male energy as someone who is super open and guided by intuition
Having another spiritual experience with this acupuncturist, who is also a shaman

"I had another spiritual experience where we actually changed timelines and, this person that passed away actually came and helped me release things. It was probably even more powerful the second time this experience happened to me. So, the acupuncture is helping, but then when that happened, it was like a major shift."

How this was the seed for his deep drive to start helping people
The voice that told him he was going to write a book while he was deep in meditation
How writing and journaling regularly help
The power he found in connecting with source energy
Being open to mystical experiences from a very young age
Going to NLP training and seeing so many synchronicities that he knew this was what he was meant to do

"I received my breakthrough session as part of the training, and that breakthrough session of the mental-emotional release was when, I can say that breakthrough was so much deeper and the near-death experience stuff and the grief.