If you are still cold calling your prospects during COVID-19 and leading the call by pitching your services or products, this podcast is for you!

James Carbary is the founder of Sweet Fish Media and the author of Content-Based Networking. Today, he joins us on the Talent + Talks Podcast to teach you, and me, how to get access to your ideal clients in a way that allows you to develop rapport very quickly.  Ultimately we want our clients to know, like, and trust us because THAT is what we define as marketing. 

For James, all of this started on a chance of a lifetime trip to New York to watch a football game.  By meeting Jeff on this trip, James' life was changed forever.  For three years, James learned entrepreneurship from Jeff, and he met his wife because of a move that Jeff allowed him to do.  All of this came from one single relationship, and Jame has now found a way to increase your opportunities for serendipity by creating strategic relationships for your business.

Hope is NOT a plan!  James doesn't HOPE that he meets people that will lead to business opportunities anymore.  Today, he builds relationships with guests on his multiple podcasting shows, leading to a wonderful business doing 7 figures every year.  Today, you will learn exactly how James did it.

As an aside, Jame's book gave me the playbook that I used to create the Talent + Talks Podcast.  While I have not used it to talk to my ideal clients... YET... I have used it to engage with thought leaders in sales, Marketing, and Leadership that have helped my clients during this pandemic. 

To find James on LinkedIn, you can visit his page here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jamescarbary/

It would mean a lot to me if you would reach out to James on LinkedIn and let him know you heard him on our podcast. 

Also, you can learn more about James on his website: 

Mentioned in Video:
Craig Rochelle leadership podcast: https://www.life.church/leadershippodcast/

At The Table with Patrick Lencioni

If you haven't connected with Scott, please connect with him on LinkedIn.  You can find him here:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/scottrivers/

Lastly, please check out our latest book on The Art of Hiring A Players.  You can get this awesome resource for free by going to this link:  https://cercatalent.com/hiring-a-players-ebook/

Cerca Talent:  https://www.cercatalent.com/