When your stress levels are very low, the cortisol in your bloodstream is low. We actually perform really poorly and it means that we don't do very well with remembering things or problem solving or thinking creatively.   But if you don't have enough pressure, when it comes to a particular application in life, if there's not enough at stake, if we don't care enough about something, if we don't have enough skin in the game - there are plenty of other things that are going to grab our attention and our energy. And so without very much stress or pressure at all in an area we won't perform particularly well.   If you increase that cortisol and get this moderate amount of pressure, we perform beautifully right. We hit things out of the park. We step up and do things that we didn't even think that we could do. - Jolie Wills

When your stress levels are very low, the cortisol in your bloodstream is low. We actually perform really poorly and it means that we don't do very well with remembering things or problem solving or thinking creatively.   But if you don't have enough pressure, when it comes to a particular application in life, if there's not enough at stake, if we don't care enough about something, if we don't have enough skin in the game - there are plenty of other things that are going to grab our attention and our energy. And so without very much stress or pressure at all in an area we won't perform particularly well.   If you increase that cortisol and get this moderate amount of pressure, we perform beautifully right. We hit things out of the park. We step up and do things that we didn't even think that we could do. - Jolie Wills