In this episode, we get to learn from Dr. Tom Rhoads, an economist and professor at Towson University.

Dr. Rhoads shares his transition from sports economics to environmental economics and his research integrating economics into environmental education.

Dr. Rhoads explains that his interest in environmental education began about five years ago when he noticed a shift in the demographics of his class, with more environmental science and studies majors than economics majors. This led him to change his approach to teaching environmental economics, focusing more on the environment and finding the economics within it.



Tom Rhoads, Towson University

Aldo Leopold, Sand County Almanac*

Rachel Carson, Silent Spring*

The Leopold Writing Program

Working Paper - Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences, 2023 Conference | Thinking like an economist while reading the land: Using reading quizzes to show environmental studies and sciences and economics intersecting in Aldo Leopold's A Sand County Almanac; Working paper

Presentation Slides - North American Association for Environmental Education, 2023 Conference | Costs, Benefits, and Environmental Action; Presentation slides


Producer: Tania MarienMusic: So Far So Close by Jahzzar is licensed under a Attribution-ShareAlike License;SOLO ACOUSTIC GUITAR by Jason Shaw is licensed under a Attribution 3.0 United States License.View The Freelance Project Portfolio to learn more about Independent environmental education professionals and how they strengthen environmental literacy.Talaterra is an affiliate of Commissions earned support The Freelance Project.Contact Us