Today we get to learn from Robin Lee Carlson.

Robin is a biologist, science writer, and scientific illustrator. In all aspects of her work, Robin transforms scientific information into stories to help people see the natural world in new ways. Her scientific illustration work and writings can be found on posters,  interpretive panels, and informative species cards used by the California Department of Transportation.

Robin is also the author and illustrator of The Cold Canyon Fire Journals: Green Shoots and Silver Linings in the Ashes.

In The Cold Canyon Fire Journals, Robin takes us to her local nature preserve that has twice experienced the type of fast-moving and expansive wildfires seen more and more often in California.

Through her illustrations and text, Robin takes us on a tour of the canyon before and after the fires and teaches us about fire ecology in an engaging way.

How did Robin’s relationship with Cold Canyon begin?

How did her illustrations and field notes become a book?

When it comes to fire management, who should be part of the conversation?

Let’s find out.



Robin Lee Carlson Illustration

Robin on Instagram (@anthropocenesketchbook)

Reading the Ashes | The Common

California Wilderness Coalition Bundle (Book + Bandana)

A couple of great podcasts about fire and controlled and cultural burning:

Living with FireLife with Fire Podcast

Book resources for cultural fire:

Tending the Wild: Native American Knowledge and the Management of California’s Natural ResourcesForgotten Fires: Native Americans and the Transient WildernessFire Country: How Indigenous Fire Management Could Help Save Australia



So Far So Close by Jahzzar is licensed under a Attribution-ShareAlike License.



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Producer: Tania MarienMusic: So Far So Close by Jahzzar is licensed under a Attribution-ShareAlike License;SOLO ACOUSTIC GUITAR by Jason Shaw is licensed under a Attribution 3.0 United States License.View The Freelance Project Portfolio to learn more about Independent environmental education professionals and how they strengthen environmental literacy.Talaterra is an affiliate of Commissions earned support The Freelance Project.Contact Us