Rebecca Rolnick is a naturalist, writer, and educator. She is the founder of Forest School-to-You and leads in-person and online programs for both K-12 students and adults. Rebecca also leads conversations about neurodiversity in environmental education.

What is neurodiversity?

Why is Rebecca inviting environmental educators to conversations about this topic?

Let’s find out.



About me 

Rebecca Rolnick: Naturalist | Writer | Educator 

IG: @forestschooltoyou

Youtube: Forest School-to-You

Recordings of Nature Journal Writing Workshops; other Nature Journaling videos 

John Muir Law's Nature Journal Community Calendar

Includes my free class, Nature Journal “Writing Workshop Wednesdays” 

Free mini-ebook “Science & Imagination: Exploring Words in Your Nature Journal” 

Get notified when registration opens soon for “Nature Journaling for Re-STORY-ation Course, and free class coming soon “A World Full of Stories”:

Join the waitlist


Other Resources That I Like

Panel Discussion “Supporting Neurodivergent Students & Educators” NAAEE 2021

With Rebecca Rolnick, John Muir Laws, Sylvia Collazo, Katrina Thomas 

Books mentioned in the podcast

The Dyslexia Empowerment Plan by Ben FossBraiding Sweetgrass by Robin KimmererCoyote's Guide to Connecting with Nature by Jon Young, Ellen Haas, Evan McGown (forward by Richard Louv)

Autism Resources 

Youtube Channels 

Yo Samdy Sam 

Chloe Haydn 

Aspergers from the Inside 

Mottron, Laurent. 2011. “The Power of Autism.” Nature 479 (7371): 33–35.

“...people with autism need opportunities and support more than they need treatment. As a result, my research group and others believe that autism should be described and investigated as a variant within the human species.….By emphasizing the abilities and strengths of people with autism, deciphering how autistics learn and succeed in natural settings, and avoiding language that frames autism as a defect to be corrected, [scientists] can help shape the entire discussion.”


Youtube Channel: How to ADHD

ADHD “Under the Sea” Parody by The Holderness Family  



ARM Reports "Hard to Read: How American Schools Fail Kids with Dyslexia"

Scientific American: The Advantages of Dyslexia



What is neurodiversity?

Neurodiversity: On the neurological underpinnings of geekdom (Harvey Blume, The Atlantic)

Episode 33: John Muir Laws, Community Building


Braiding Sweetgrass and other resources are available at Talaterra’s bookshop. Talaterra is a affiliate and ten percent of each purchase goes towards the production of this podcast.


Producer: Tania MarienMusic: So Far So Close by Jahzzar is licensed under a Attribution-ShareAlike License;SOLO ACOUSTIC GUITAR by Jason Shaw is licensed under a Attribution 3.0 United States License.View The Freelance Project Portfolio to learn more about Independent environmental education professionals and how they strengthen environmental literacy.Talaterra is an affiliate of Commissions earned support The Freelance Project.Contact Us