For 13 years, Phillippa and her husband and their 2 kids lived in a remote village in the Philippines. When it became obvious that their time there was coming to a close, Philippa found herself dreaming of a life in the West drinking coffee while her kids went to a beautiful public school. Then they received an email asking them to consider a new village with a NEW language and a NEW culture (which also requires a helicopter ride in and out). Philippa knew in her heart her family would be moving there. In this episode, she shares how starting over can be challenging, especially when juggling language learning, family commitments, and homeschool.  But she’s also finding these challenges to be a beautiful, life-changing experience.

Stick around for "Favorite Things" segment where we discuss Denise and Melissa's favorite books, shows, Pandora Stations and boots.

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Please check out our shownotes for all the resources listed in this episode including links to "Our Favorite Things"

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