Living Abroad can challenge any marriage.  When married cross-culturally those challenges quadruple.  Michelle Acker Perez candidly shares about life overseas and experiences of be Guatemala and the joy and difficulties of cross-cultural marriage.  We covered a wide range of topics with Michelle including navigating uncomfortable situations within each others home cultures, sorting out family dynamics, and dealing with the tension between her and her husband around opportunities brought on by privilege.   Michelle shares eye-opening experiences dealing with immigration around the world as a couple with two different passports.  Sure, there are challenges to cross-cultural marriage, but Michelle is convinced with hard-work, communication, grace and understanding that marriage of two cultures can work beautifully.  

Stick around for "Favorite Things" segment where we discuss keeping in touch with family.  Also, Denise and Alicia get a little loopy.  You don't want to miss that.

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Please check out our shownotes for all the resources listed in this episode including links to "Our Favorite Things"

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